This Oracle Virtual Image license agreement includes the license terms that support the products in this virtual image, which may include the following software products: Oracle Linux and Oracle VirtualBox Open Source Edition Unlike the rest of VirtualBox, the expansion pack is subject to the Personal Use and Evaluation License (PUEL), which means that you can download the expansion pack on a single host computer for non-commercial purposes. under which a company clearly does not fall under. Unlike GPLv2, which allows redistribution, you cannot redistribute the expansion pack without a special license from Oracle. We protect your rights in two steps: (1) the copyright in the Software and (2) offer you this license, which gives you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the Software. b) You must ensure that any work you distribute or publish that contains or is derived from the Program or any part of the Program or any part thereof is licensed as a whole and free of charge to all third parties under the terms of this License. The VirtualBox base package contains the full VirtualBox source code and platform binaries and is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2. You can distribute and modify the base package, as long as you also distribute all changes under gpLv2. The purpose of this section is not to induce you to infringe patents or other proprietary rights or to challenge the validity of such claims; The sole purpose of this section is to protect the integrity of the Free Software distribution system implemented through public licensing practices. Many people have generously contributed to the wide range of software distributed by this system, confident in the consistent application of this system; it is up to the author/donor to decide whether he is willing to distribute the software through another system, and a licensee cannot impose this choice. § 2 License Grant. Oracle grants you a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited license, free of charge, to reproduce, install, run, and use the Product internally on host computers for your personal, educational, or evaluation use. “Personal Use” means non-commercial use only by the person downloading the Oracle Product to a single host computer, provided that no client or remote computer is connected to that host computer and that such client or remote computer is used only to remotely view guest computers.

“Educational Use” means any use by teachers or students of an educational institution (schools, colleges and universities) as part of the institution`s curriculum. “Evaluation” means testing the Product for a maximum period of thirty (30) days; after this period, you are no longer allowed to use the product. Personal use and/or use in the field of education expressly excludes any use of the Product for commercial purposes or for the operation, exploitation or action on behalf of or for the benefit of any company, organization, governmental organization or educational institution. 2) The GPL listed below does not bind software that uses virtualbox services by simply linking to virtualbox libraries, as long as all VirtualBox interfaces used by that software are licensed multiple times. A VirtualBox interface is considered licensed multiple times if it is declared in a VirtualBox header file licensed under the GPL version 2 (below)* and Common Development and Distribution License version 1.0 (CDDL), as described in the “COPYING” section. CDDL » file. In other words, calling such a multi-license interface is considered only a normal use of VirtualBox and does not turn the call code into a derivative work of VirtualBox. This is especially true for code that wants to extend VirtualBox through the Extension Pack mechanism declared in the ExtPack.h header file. 0. This license applies to any program or other work that contains a notice from the copyright owner that it may be distributed under the terms of this General Public License.

The “Program” hereinafter means such a program or work, and a “work based on the Program” means either the Program or a derivative work under copyright law, i.e. a work containing the Program or any part thereof, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another language. (In the following, the translation is contained without limitation in the term “modification.”) Each licensee is addressed with “you”. The VirtualBox Expansion Pack is available under the VirtualBox Personal Use and Evaluation Pack Personal Use License, which is a free license for personal, educational, or evaluation use, or under an Enterprise License, a paid license that allows most commercial uses without distribution, not limited by the PUEL. After all, every free program is constantly threatened by software patents. We want to avoid the risk that distributors of a free program will receive individual patent licenses, making the program proprietary. To avoid this, we have clarified that any patent must be licensed for free use by all or not be licensed at all. § 4 Termination. The Agreement is effective on the date you receive the Product and will remain in effect until terminated.

Your rights under this Agreement will terminate immediately without notice from Oracle if you materially violate them or take any action that differs from Oracle`s and/or its licensors` rights in the Product. Oracle may terminate this Agreement with immediate effect if any portion of the Product is the subject of a claim for intellectual property infringement or misappropriation of trade secrets, or if it becomes reasonably likely that Oracle will be able to do so. Upon termination, you will cease to use and destroy all copies of the Product under your control and confirm compliance in writing to Oracle. Neither termination of this Agreement nor deletion or deletion of the Product will limit any obligations you may have to Oracle or any rights and/or remedies Oracle may have with respect to any past or future use of the Product (including, but not limited to, use of the Product outside the scope of the license provided in the Agreement). Articles 3 to 9 inclusive will survive the termination of the Agreement. Most software licenses are designed to deprive you of your freedom to share and modify them. In contrast, the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and modify free software – to ensure that the software is free for all its users. This General Public License applies to most free software from the Free Software Foundation and any other program whose authors agree to use it.

(Some other Software Foundation software is instead covered by the GNU Library General Public License.) You can also apply it to your programs. You can find a copy of the gnu general public license version 2.0 in the “copy” or “license” file included in Oracle Linux programs, or here: For software obtained from Oracle in binary form under an open source license that gives you the right to obtain the source code of that binary, you can obtain a copy of the appropriate source code from or Alternatively, if the source code of the technology was not provided to you with the binary, you may obtain a copy of the source code on physical media by sending a written request to the following address: This VirtualBox Extension Pack Personal Use and Evaluation License governs your access to and use of the VirtualBox Extension Pack. It does not apply to the VirtualBox base package and/or its source code licensed under version 2 of the GNU General Public License (“GPL”). These requirements apply to all modified work. If identifiable portions of such work are not derivative of the Program and can reasonably be considered independent and distinct works per se, this License and its terms do not apply to those sections if you distribute them as separate works. But if you distribute the same sections as part of a whole that is a work based on the program, the distribution of the whole must be done under the terms of this license, whose rights to the other licensees extend to the whole and therefore to each individual part, regardless of who wrote it. .